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Talk by Leslie Feinberg

Contributed by Elizabeth Brunelle on 04/24/03 

Tuesday, April 29, 8:00 p.m., Leslie Feinberg will be speaking in Emerson Suites about coalition building among LGBT communities, broader building of alliances against racism and repression, anti-war organizing, and other struggles in which our communities take part.

Feinberg's novel, Stone Butch Blues, published in 1993 by Firebrand Books, has received a wildly popular response in the United States and has been translated into Chinese, German, and Dutch. The novel won the prestigious American Library Association Award for Gay and Lesbian Literature and a LAMBDA Literary Award in 1994.

Feinberg's non-fiction work, Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul (Beacon), is the first analysis of the historical roots of transgender oppression. Transgender Warriors won the 1996 Firecracker Alternative Book Award for Non-Fiction. In spring 1996, Beacon released the paperback edition, newly subtitled: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman. It has been translated into Czech and is in the process of being translated into Hebrew.

Feinberg is also the author of Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue, published by Beacon in 1998. The book was reviewed in the annual Village Voice 25 Best Books supplement.

Feinberg is a national leader of Workers World Party, and a managing editor of Workers World newspaper. As a founder of Rainbow Flags for Mumia and a national organizer for the International Action Center, Feinberg is well-known in the U.S. and many other parts of the world as an activist who works to help forge a strong bond between the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities. As a trade unionist, anti-racist and socialist, Feinberg also organizes to build strong bonds of unity between these struggles and those of movements in defense of oppressed nationalities, women, disabled, and the working class movement as a whole. Feinberg has worked for more than 25 years in defense of the sovereignty, self-determination, and treaty rights of Native nations and for freedom of political prisoners in the U.S. and, as an internationalist, has been part of the anti-Pentagon movement since the U.S. war against Vietnam.

Since October 1993, Feinberg has appeared on the Joan Rivers show and scores of other television and radio programs, and has been interviewed and reviewed by virtually every lesbian/gay, transgender, and feminist publication in the United States as well as publications in Argentina, Japan, Germany, Australia, and England.

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Contributed by Elizabeth Brunelle

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