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The research work of Ithaca College physics majors has led to awards and scholarly presentations.

  • Matt Sprague has been awarded a Goldwater Scholarship. He plans to teach at the university level and do research blending physics and chemistry.
  • Jamie DeGregory is a 2003 Ithaca College C.P. Snow Scholar. Jamie will pursue graduate work in science writing.
  • Evan Salim received a Best Platform Award for his presentation at the 2003 Eastern College Science Conference held April 12 at Ithaca College. Evan will pursue graduate education and work in optics.
  • Jamie and Evan were elected to Ithaca College Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society.
  • Matrika Bhattarai, Jamie DeGregory, Kyle McMann, Evan Salim, Joshua Sanders, Philip Slingerland, and Sean Tully presented their work at the March 27, 2003 James J. Whalen Academic Symposium. Matrika, Kyle, Evan, Joshua, Philip, and Sean also gave presentations at the Eastern College Science Conference this April at Ithaca College. Their presentations were based on work done with physics faculty and ranged from heat flow in copper, noise in seismic sensors, through exploration of the x-type asteroids, explorations of the red planet, photometry of variable stars, room acoustic modeling, and chaotic pendulum simulations.
Contributed by John Schwartz

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