Senior Week is almost here! We would like to inform all faculty and staff about the many ways you can be involved with Senior Week 2003.
Saturday, May 10, noon-5:00 pm -- We need assistance at the Carnival and Fountain Jump. All that is needed is some extra eyes and ears to help keep everyone safe. A great BBQ is included with this event as well as a chance to watch the traditional fountain jump.
Tuesday, May 13, 3:00-7:00 pm -- A Senior Olympics will be held and we need referees, judges, and relay race organizers to help with the many events of the olympics. A full BBQ is also included in this event.
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00 pm-midnight -- Ever want to be a black jack dealer? Please help us out at Casino Night. We need extra dealers for this fun and memorable event!
If you are interested in helping with any or all of the above, please contact Deb Mohlenhoff, 274.3222. Thanks in advance!
Contributed by Deb Mohlenhoff