Ithaca College Theatre's 2003-2004 season promises to be another unique opportunity for Central New York audiences to experience a blend of contemporary and classic live theater.
The new season will consist of six productions that will include themes of women's liberation, fate, and universal humanity. The price of a season ticket (five of the six productions) ranges from $25.00 to $40.00, giving subscribers a discount of up to 20 percent off single ticket prices. All shows take place in the Dillingham Center for the Performing Arts.
Season subscribers are also given the first opportunity to purchase single tickets for the December production of Shakespeare's
Pericles, which is not included in the season package. Other benefits to subscribers include first choice of the best seats, ability to exchange tickets to attend another performance, and presale convenience. For a season brochure and additional information on ticket prices email
2003-2004 Season Schedule
- The Waiting Room
by Lisa Loomer can be described as a surreal comedy. On no particular day, in no particular doctor's office, three women sit patiently. Victoria, Forgiveness, and Wanda share their graphic tales of female oppression, disguised in wit and sarcasm, as they battle for the attention of the nervous doctor who is entrenched in a saga of "cancer research." The performance dates are October 2-5 and 7 - 9 with a preview on September 30 in the Clark Theatre. The Waiting Room will be directed by assistant professor of theater arts Krista Scott.
- The Mystery of Edwin Drood
by Rupert Holmes will be the "off-the-wall" season musical, running November 6-9, 12, 14, and 15 with a preview November 4 in the Hoerner Theatre. Based on the unfinished Dickens' novel, Rupert Holmes' Tony award-winning musical boldly travels into the psyche of a man who knows not what or who he is. Keeping in mind that the mirror image one sees is not necessarily reality, the audience is asked to determine the outcome of the mystery. This delightful "multiple choice musical" allows the audience to solve, resolve, and conclude the story. The Mystery of Edwin Drood will be directed by professor of theater arts Greg Bostwick.
- William Shakespeare's Pericles will be presented in the Clark Theatre December 4-7 with a preview on December 2. This classic story of man versus the untamable elements of nature is given a contemporary twist. Shakespeare's tale of a prince who sails on adventures and comes in contact with numerous fateful obstacles, including an abandoned child who lost her mother at sea, has had scholars intrigued for countless years. Pericles will be directed by associate professor of theater arts Norm Johnson. Pericles is being offered separately from our subscription package. Tickets can be purchased with a subscription package in advance.
- The opera Cosi fan tutte by Mozart, coproduced with the School of Music, will be presented in the intimate Clark Theatre this season. Set in the late 1960s, the English translation of this popular and upbeat Mozart opera tackles the sexual revolution amidst the backdrop of war. Described as Mozart's masterpiece battle-of-the-sexes, this Cosi Fan Tutte features Don Alphonso as the owner of a hippie go-go bar where he and Despina lure two girls into another life away from their conservative roots while their boyfriends are off at war. Fast-paced and funny, this piece ultimately echoes the themes of women's liberation so prevalent in 1960s. The performance dates are February 19-22, and 24-28, with a preview on February 17. Cosi Fan Tutte will be directed by assistant professor of theater arts and music Patrick Hansen.
- Yentl
by Leah Napolin and Isaac Bashevis Singer was hailed by the New York Times as "... enchanting, splendid and most touching" during its Broadway run. Set in a time when it was improper to educate women, a young, motivated, Jewish female takes the initiative to educate herself by posing as a boy aspiring to study the Talmud. During her studies she learns the teachings of her ancestors and more than she could have ever imagined about life. The performance dates in the Hoerner Theatre are April 1-4 with a preview on March 30. Yentl will be directed by professor of theater arts Arno Selco.
- Dancing the Journey: Dance Concert 2004,
the final season production, will be presented in the Hoerner Theatre April 22-25 with a preview on April 20. This eclectic dance event will explore dance in our lives from several points of view. Join us as we take the audience on a journey of the mind and soul via the human body and the movement we all share. Dancing the Journey will be directed by the theatre arts dance faculty.
The single ticket price range for all regular performances is $5.50 to $10.00. Preview performances are also available at a discount. Evening performances will begin at 8:00 p.m. Matinees will begin at 2:00 p.m. on designated Saturdays and Sundays. All dates and times are subject to change.
Contributed by Brian Falck