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Two new volumes of the Ithaca College Policy Manuals have been released:

  • Volume III, Employment Policies Related to Staff
  • Volume V, Employment Policies Related to Faculty, Staff and Administrators.

Volumes III and V replace the large blue binder called the Ithaca College Supervisors' Personnel Manual, which was previously issued to supervisors and should be discarded at this time.

Volumes III and V are now available on the Web. These and the other volumes can be found on the College site index under "Policy Manual." Printed copies of any policy in the manual may be downloaded for your use, as needed. Reference copies of both volumes are available in the Office of Human Resources library (Administration Annex), IC Library, and the Office of Physical Plant.

Volumes III and V incorporate policy revisions, process improvements, and other changes that have been communicated previously. I would like to call to the attention of staff that the medical leave and bereavement leave benefits have been increased, effective April 1, 2003. The revised policies regarding the enhancement of medical and bereavement leaves are included in Volume III. The Staff Council, the Benefits Committee, and the Office of Human Resources reviewed these policies and recommended increasing the benefits. Please go to the Office of Human Resources website for the details and updates on these policies as approved by President's Council.

Should you have any questions about the revised policies, feel free to contact Martha Turnbull, Director of Human Resources, 4-3847 or Cheryl Freer, Director of Benefits, 4-3245. Questions about Volumes III or V should be directed to Deb Merriman, Assistant to the Director of Human Resources, at 4-3847.

Links: Contributed by Martha A. Turnbull

Volumes III & V of the All College Manual | 0 Comments |
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