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Payroll Office Seeks Input

Contributed by Marian Brown on 05/07/03 

The payroll office welcomes your input as they evaluate their delivery of payroll services to the Ithaca College campus. There are two different opportunities available to you to participate and provide feedback: an on-line survey form, or a number of focus group sessions.

To learn more about the customer service evaluation process being undertaken by a number of units within the Division of the Vice President / Treasurer, please go to the on-line Payroll Customer Service survey form Payroll.

The focus group sessions are open to the campus community and are scheduled for Tuesday, May 20, in Emerson Suite C, at the following times throughout the day and evening, to allow for participation by those on first, second and third shifts:

  • 9:00 - 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am - noon
  • 1:00 - 2:00 pm
  • 3:00 - 4:00 pm
  • 5:00 - 6:00 pm
  • 9:30 - 10:30 pm
  • 11:00 pm - midnight

Each focus group session will be moderated by Marian Brown, special assistant to the vice president. To encourage complete candor by the participants, no other representatives of any of the specific units mentioned above will be in attendance during the sessions. The focus group sessions will be audio-taped for the sole purpose of ensuring that all comments made and suggestions offered are included and the tone and intent of statements made are correctly conveyed. No verbatim written transcripts of the sessions will be made and no identification of the session's participants will be made, nor will the source of any statement be attributed to an individual. Marian will synthesize the comments and suggestions gathered from all the sessions into a report to the payroll office's supervisor for her review and use in guiding that department's planning.

Please e-mail Marian Brown (or call x43787) to confirm your attendance at one of these focus group sessions, so adequate seating may be prepared. Refreshments will be offered at each session.

For your convenience, the on-line survey form exactly mirrors the line of questioning that will be used in the open focus groups. The on-line survey form, when completed, is completely anonymous. No identification of the sender is attached to the response; it arrives with a numeric tag only.

We hope you will take the time to either attend one of these open sessions or to complete the on-line survey form and provide your thoughts and suggestions for the Payroll office.

Thank you in advance for your interest in strengthening the service the Payroll office provides to their customers.

Marian Brown

Contributed by Marian Brown

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