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Book Drive

Contributed by Jennifer Richards on 05/08/03 

It's book drive time again! The Ithaca College Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) and Faculty Council are collecting materials for three book drives outlined below.

We welcome leisure reading materials, textbooks, tapes, audio books, CDs, and records.
  1. Friends of the Tompkins County Public Library (
  2. Bridge to Asia ( Bridge to Asia sends donated books to universities in developing countries in Asia. Please donate any textbooks you can spare.
  3. MacCormick Secure Center (Sponsored by Faculty Council). Your tax-deductible gifts are also welcome. Checks should be made out to Durland Alternatives Library, labeled 'Books in Prison', and mailed to:
    Durland Alternatives Library
    Annabel Taylor Hall
    Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY 14853
The REMP/Faculty Council Book Drive ends May 23. Please place all donations in collection bins set up in the following areas:
  • CHS lobby
  • CNS lobby
  • Egbert (near the book buy back)
  • Gannett (by Career Services)
  • Hill Center
  • Muller Humanities and Sciences lobby
  • Park 329
  • Smiddy lobby (2nd floor)
  • Whalen lobby
For more information, contact Mark Darling at R.E.M.P., 274-1777

Contributed by Jennifer Strickland

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