The New York-Penn Region of American Red Cross distributes nearly 2,000 units of blood every day to a total of 127 area hospitals. As a volunteer blood donor you play a critical role in helping us meet these needs.
Every blood donation is essential, and many donors are unaware of the constant need to replenish the blood supply. Patient usage has outpaced actual blood donations. We are facing a shortage because every two seconds someone in the Southern Tier is in need of blood.
Did you know that --
- only 5% of the populations who can donate blood actually do
- your one donation can save up to three lives
- 85% of the population will require blood transfusion at some point in their life
- red blood cells are only viable for 42 days
We want you to be an everyday local hero. Please give blood Wednesday, July 2, from 9:00 to 3:00 pm in Emerson Hall and help patients waging their own war on survival.
You are eligible to donate if you meet the following criteria:
- You are at least 17 yrs old
- Weight at least 110 pounds
- Have not donated within the last 56 days
- Have not traveled abroad since 1980 for more then 3 cumulative months in Great Britain or 6 months cumulative in Europe.
If you have an hour to spare and would like to be a local hero please email
Cynthia B. Smith or call 274-3371 to schedule an appointment. I am also looking for volunteers to help staff the blood drive from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
On behalf of hospital patients in the Southern Tier, thank you for your good will and generosity.
To improve your donation experience be sure to eat well the day of donation, drink plenty of fluids, and get a good night's sleep.
Contributed by Cynthia B. Smith