Scott Hamula, assistant professor in the TV-R department, is a 2003 National Association of Broadcasters Research Grant recipient.
Each year, this highly competitive program attracts research proposals from broadcast scholars throughout the country. The grant will fund his research, entitled "Comparison Study: Non-Traditional Revenue at Local Television and Radio Stations." Non-traditional revenue, or NTR, comes from areas outside the "traditional" commercial time bought by advertisers, for example, revenue generated from a station's web site or from staging an event like a concert or health fair.
This study will reveal the local broadcast television industry's present and future level of activity in pursuing NTR, the areas of pursuit, and how NTR campaigns are handled from an organizational point-of-view within television stations. In addition, the results will be compared with those from a similar Radio Advertising Bureau study of NTR activity at radio stations.
Contributed by Antoinette Di Ciaccio