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Bruce Smith is the recipient of the Excellence in Scholarship Award for 2002-03! The award, sponsored by Ithaca College, recognizes his distinguished accomplishment as a scholar and the high regard in which he is held by his students, colleagues, and the College.

In addition to the monetary award, he will receive 3 credits of release time for 2003-04 from the Center for Faculty Research and Development.

Bruce joined the Ithaca College Biology faculty in 1990. Since that time he has produced a remarkable body of scholarly work, much of it deeply involved with his undergraduate teaching. His commitment embodies the Ithaca College mission that teaching and scholarship are motivated by the need to be informed by, and to contribute to, the world's scientific and humanistic enterprises.

His research interest is in invertebrate zoology, specifically the biology of water mites. Over fifty of his students have been involved in his research. Many have presented at conferences, and a substantial number have also gone on to Ph.D. programs.

Bruce teaches the following Ithaca College courses:

  • Animal Behavior 303-20800
  • Invertebrate Zoology 303-20300
  • Parasitology 303-30500
  • Laboratories in Principles of Biology 303-12100/12200
  • Literature in Biology - Organismal section 303-30100
  • The Natural History of Sex (non-majors) 303-10210
  • Aquatic Ecology 303-47900
He continues to publish articles in a variety of science journals, and several more are currently in presss.More information on his research, courses, and publications can be found at his website: Bruce P. Smith.

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

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