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Hershey Park Bus Trip

Contributed by Sue Ann Vrzal on 05/23/03 

Ithaca College bus trip to Hershey Park
Saturday, June 28th
Cost includes bus and entrance into Hershey Park and Zoo America
New this year: The Claw -- a new ride for 2003


  • Age 1-2, free
  • Age 3-8, $42.00
  • Age 9-54, $50.00
  • Age 55-69, $45.00
  • Age 70 +, $15.95
Please sign up and pay by June 6 so the tickets can be ordered. Contact Sue Vrzal (119 Administrative Annex, 274-3133) with any questions.

What a fun day to start the summer vacation for family and friends.

Contributed by Sue Vrzal

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