There are several opportunities for you and your family to take part in swimming lessons this year.
Swimming Lessons for Children
These lessons are designed to teach swimming to children (4-12 years old) of all abilities. Beginners are taught the basics, including safety in and around the pool, while more experienced swimmers are taught advanced strokes.
- Cost: $30.00 per child or $25.00 per child if more than one child from the family is enrolled.
- Minimum enrollment per session: 9 children
- Maximum enrollment per session: 12 children
- All lessons are held from 11:00-11:45am.
- Session 1: June 30-July 11 (Monday, June 30, Wednesday, July 2, Thursday, July 3, Monday, July 7, Wednesday, July 9, Friday, July 11)
- Session 2: July 14-July 25 (Monday, July 14, Wednesday, July 16, Friday, July 18, Monday, July 21, Wednesday, July 23, Friday, July 25)
- Session 3: July 28-August 8 (Monday, July 28, Wednesday, July 30, Friday, August 1, Monday, August 4, Wednesday, August 6, Friday, August 8)
Parent/Infant Swimming Lessons
These classes are designed to introduce your infant/toddler to the water. Each child must be accompanied in the water with at least one parent/adult during the lessons.
- Cost: $10.00/child.
- Minimum enrollment per session: 6 children
- Maximum enrollment per session: 9 children
- Session 1: Saturdays, June 14 and 21, 11:00-11:45am
- Session 2: Sundays, June 22 and 29, 12:00-12:45pm
- Session 3: Saturdays, July 12 and 19, 11:00-11:45am
Adult Learn to Swim Lessons NEW THIS YEAR!
These classes are designed for adults or older teens who are not comfortable with their swimming abilities and would like to learn basic strokes.
- Cost: $10.00/person.
- Minimum enrollment per session: 6 people
- Maximum enrollment per session: 9 people
- Session 1: Sundays, June 15 and 22, 12:00-12:45pm
- Session 2: Saturdays, June 21 and 28, 11:00-11:45am
- Session 3: Sundays, July 13 and 20, 12:00-12:45pm
General Information for All Classes
- Only members of the outdoor pool are allowed to take sign up for lessons.
- American Red Cross certified water safety instructors and/or lifeguards teach all lessons.
- All lessons take place at the outdoor pool.
- Sessions may be cancelled if there is not enough interest.
- Sign-ups begin at outdoor pool on Saturday, May 31.
Please contact Elizabeth Brunelle, 274-3290, with any questions.
Contributed by Elizabeth Brunelle