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New Internal Catering Guide

Contributed by David Prunty on 06/09/03 

We are pleased to announce new internal menu options for the Ithaca College community. The new menus will look familiar to most faculty and staff on campus, but a few important changes have been introduced.

  1. For the first time an internal "Catering Guide" has been prepared, highlighting important information and timelines when planning a catered event. Please carefully review this document (available on the Web in PDF format) so we can provide you with the best possible service.
  2. Some menu options from the past have been eliminated, while others have been added. Please note that, with sufficient lead time, a price quote can be generated for most items.
  3. To help facilitate ordering and service delivery, a number of packages have been created based on the most popular orders. You will find packages for receptions, breakfasts, and barbecues (among others).
Internal Catering Guide (pdf)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Conference and Event Services, 274-3313.

Contributed by David Prunty

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