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Support Our Team - IC Hope

Contributed by Michael McGreevey on 06/20/03 

The Ithaca College community is invited to support the College's Relay for Life team -- IC Hope. The Relay for Life is sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

This 15 hour overnight event will take place at Ithaca High School on July 11-12. For more information and to show your support, stop by the information table in the campus center this week, Monday through Wednesday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Opportunities for support include donations to the team, donations to individual team members, or by purchasing a luminaria in honor of or memory of someone special. A special luminaria ceremony at 10:00 pm on Friday evening, July 11, is open to the public. Another fun and appreciative way to support the team is to contribute non-perishable snacks for the team's enjoyment during this 15-hour event.

For additional information, check out the team's homepage at the American Cancer Society website: IC Hope

Your support is appreciated!

Contributed by Michael McGreevey

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