A workshop entitled, "How to Overcome Workplace Negativity" is being offered on July 14 at the Holiday Inn (Elmira Riverview Downtown, 760 East Water Street) in Elmira.
The schedule for the workshop is as follows:
Registration and check-in will be 8:30-9:00 a.m. The workshop will run 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Description of the workshop
Let's face it, some events are disheartening: You don't land the promotion; a friend or co-worker gets "downsized;" a family member faces health problems.
Negativity is natural in circumstances like these. It is based on specific fears. It surfaces and then recedes as a person evaluates the situation and acts either to change it or adjust to it. But some people are habitually negative. You often hear them say things like, "It's not my fault," or "I don't get mad - I get even," or even, "Why bother? Nobody else cares - and I can't make things better anyway."
During the course of this seminar, you'll learn what makes negative people the way they are, what, if anything, you can do to clue them in, and how to safeguard yourself from catching their "bug."
This training gives people the tools they need to
- Trace and replace their unproductive behaviors
- Learn the difference between healthy skepticism and whining
- Stop "top down" negativity from infiltrating an entire work force
- Build a barrier against destructive complaining
- Effectively challenge negativity in others
- Create an antidotal "pocket of optimism"
- Overcome organizational burnout
- Bounce back from setbacks, re-energize, and get back on track
The result? Once people put negativity behind them, productivity skyrockets, turnover takes a nosedive, healthy communication thrives, absenteeism diminishes, and creativity and innovation flourish.
If you are interested in attending this program, please e-mail
Mary Tomaselli (4-1239) or
Tanisha Graves (4-3083).
Contributed by Mary Tomaselli