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Veterans Day at IC

Contributed by Gina White on 07/02/03 

Members of the Ithaca College Staff Council would like to bring the Veterans Day celebration to campus. We are seeking interested staff, faculty, administrators, alumni, and students to volunteer their time and expertise in a planning committee to assist in developing an annual lunchtime campus-wide celebration on Veterans Day, November 11, beginning this year.

We especially encourage veterans of our armed forces to participate.

The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 16, at noon in the Friends' Green Room (room 3106, next door to Hockett Recital Hall) in the Whalen Center. Please feel free to bring your lunch.

If you are interested in participating on this committee but cannot attend the meeting; would like additional information regarding planning for a Veterans Day celebration; or would like to suggest someone who would be interested in assisting us in our planning, please contact Staff Council representative Angie Rogers or Staff Council chair Marco Cestaro.

Contributed by Angie Rogers and Marco Cestaro.

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