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  • Save on tickets to the New York State Fair
  • Spaces still available for Ithaca College bus trip

    Thinking of going to the New York State Fair but don’t want to commit to buying tickets in advance?

    The Office of Human Resources has coupons available for $3.00 off the regular adult admission price of $10.00. Just present the coupon at any entry gate on any day of the fair for the discount and pay only $7.00. The fair runs August 21 to September 1.

    Ithaca College is cosponsoring Higher Education Day at the fair on Friday, August 29, when students age 16 and under will be admitted free. Look for the Ithaca College table that day in the small pavilion near the Cole Muffler Court. Children age 12 and under are admitted free every day of the fair.

    Discount coupons -- limit 4 per employee -- may be picked up at the Human Resources offices located in the Administration Annex.

    Advance sale tickets may be purchased only through August 20. Single-day advance sale tickets are $5.00, a savings of $5.00 off the regular admission price of $10.00. Midway ride ticket books are available at a discounted price of $10.00, a savings of $8.00 off the regular Midway ride ticket price of $18.00.

    In the Ithaca area, advance sale tickets can be purchased at:
    • Express Mart
    • P&C Food Markets
    • Tops Markets
    • TopsXpress
    • Wegmans Food and Pharmacy
    Tickets can be bought online at

    Don’t wait to sign up for the Ithaca College Bus Trip!

    Date: Saturday, August 23
    Cost: $20.00 for the bus ride

    What a fun day! Leave the driving to the bus driver and pay nothing for parking. Both advance sale tickets and $3.00-off coupons can be used for entry to the fair. The bus leaves Ithaca College O Lot at 8:00 a.m.

    Bring the whole family, all your friends, and spend a day viewing over 200 acres of animals, exhibits, and displays. And don't forget the 2003 Cole Muffler Court FREE concert: Boyz II Men at 4:00 p.m.

    Sign up today by sending an e-mail to Sue Vrzal or calling her at 274-3133 or 277-0226 with any questions. Ithaca College bus trips are open to all of the Ithaca College community, family, and friends.

    For more information about the fair, visit the website of the New York State Fair or call 800-475-FAIR.

    Contributed by Sue Vrzal

  • Ticket information for the New York State Fair | 0 Comments |
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