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Many of you may remember Unity Festival and the Saturday morning relay events held each fall to celebrate diversity in the Ithaca College community. This year we have made several changes to the festival in order to generate greater student, faculty, and staff involvement -- and that includes a new name.

The festival will now be called "IC Our World" and will be held on Friday, September 19, from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Quad/Emerson Suites. The festival will feature music by 211, Panacea, and the Thunder Lizard Singers; ethnic crafts, food tasting, and a new game called "Around the World in 60 seconds," cosponsored with IC AfterDark. We hope you will attend and bring your family with you.

Additionally, we need volunteers to help make this event a success. If you are willing to help with the crafts or game on the evening of the event, or to help with advertising prior to the event, please contact Bonnie Solt Prunty at 274-3141.

The IC Our World celebration is sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Diversity Awareness Committee, International Programs, and IC AfterDark.

Contributed by Bonnie Prunty

Unity Festival Gets A New Look, Name | 0 Comments |
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