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Summer Hours Review

Contributed by Martha Turnbull on 08/15/03 

Many staff members have commented to HR that Friday summer hours have added to the enjoyment of the summer season. The College's summer hours schedule was in place from June 6 to August 8, 2003, and enabled full-time staff to work two fewer hours on the designated Fridays and receive their usual compensation.

As the summer winds down and we settle back into our usual schedule, I wanted to take a moment to provide you with an opportunity to share additional feedback with the Office of Human Resources on your experiences with the 2003 summer hours policy. For example, were you able to take advantage of the policy? If your department had special demands on Fridays at 3:00 p.m., please let us know what they were and how your department responded.

As we review this trial summer schedule, we welcome your comments and suggestions. Please send your feedback via e-mail to Deb Merriman, assistant to the director.

Martha A. Turnbull
Director of Human Resources