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New phone number: 274-1000

Effective August 18, the Office of Information Technology at Ithaca College will be known as Information Technology Services (ITS). We undertook this reorganization in an effort to accomplish several important initiatives.

First and foremost, it was to align all parts of the information technology organization into a single unit, planning and acting together toward a common set of goals and objectives aligned with the vision, mission and planning priorities of the College. Additionally, this was done to make better use of our resources. We are combining staff with similar skills from each of the divisions of OIT into single groups in order to leverage those skills across the entire IT organization. There will also be increased emphasis on strategic planning across all of ITS, and new ways to seek community involvement and participation in strategic technology planning are under discussion.

The Ithaca College campus community will see the change most visibly in our new name. With the goal of creating one cohesive organization, different offices within Information Technology Services will now all be recognized by the ITS name. For example, the ACCS Help Desk, which was part of OIT, will now be called the ITS Help Desk. The telephone number of the ITS Help Desk will remain 274-3282.

We have made some changes to the structure of ITS as well. There are now four units under ITS, each with a specific set of responsibilities.

  • Technology and Instructional Support Services -- Michael Taves, director
    This unit provides support to faculty and staff in the form of hardware and software support, the help desk, and training and documentation. In addition, special emphasis will be given to services that promote and sustain the effective use of information technology in teaching, learning, and research.

  • Web, Systems, and Departmental Services -- David Weil, director
    Responsible for the development and management of the College's primary web site, this unit will build and maintain the site to promote College activities, establish seamless links to the College’s database applications, institute standards for design, and provide web design and technical assistance to other units on campus. WSDS will also provide system administration and departmental support services to all of ITS.

  • Information Systems and Services -- Richard Chandler, director
    This unit is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of campus-wide application software and databases that support or interface with business activities, student services, and specialized systems.

  • Network and Communication Services -- Bernie Rhoades, director
    This unit is responsible for planning, implementation, maintenance, operations, and support for data, voice, and video networking and communications infrastructure resources, associated links to external facilities, and services related to resource management, security, and troubleshooting.

  • We are excited about these changes and look forward to continuing to support the Ithaca College community’s technology needs. Please feel free to visit the computing website for more information on our new structure.
    If you have any questions or concerns about how these changes will impact your offices, please call Information Technology Services (ITS) at 274-1000 and we will be happy to assist you.

    Edwin W. Fuller, Jr.
    Director, Information Technology Services

    Contributed by Ed Fuller

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