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As many of you know, Sheila Reakes, executive assistant to the vice president for student affairs and campus life, has recently accepted the position of assistant director of the annual fund with the Johnson School of Business at Cornell University.

Sheila's last day at Ithaca College will be Friday, August 29.

For those of you who would like to say goodbye to Sheila and wish her well, please drop by the student affairs and campus life office (3rd floor of the Campus Center) any time between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 29 to share your best wishes with her. Refreshments will be available. If you would like to contribute towards a gift for Sheila, please drop your contributions off to Suzanne Ash or Brian McAree, student affairs and campus life, by Wednesday, August 27.

Hope to see you next week. After 14 years of dedicated service to Ithaca College, we wish Sheila well as she takes on her new responsibilities at Cornell University. We will miss her.

Contributed by Brian McAree

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