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Our Center for Faculty Excellence will offer the new Wednesday Coffee, the new Mentoring Program, and teaching workshops beginning next week.

Wednesday Coffee: 10:00-10:45 a.m., MacDonald Lounge of the Campus Center. Come for coffee, chat, and an introduction to a campus person. September 3: Who is Mark Darling?

Mentoring program: Based on small groups of faculty, with the inaugural workshop on September 6. We urge you to join this major initiative by the CFE the Faculty Development Committee, and the Office of the Provost.

Early fall workshops take place at noon every Tuesday and Thursday. Open to anyone on the campus, the September sessions focus on teaching issues and campus resources.

The colloquium series, also noon Tuesdays and Thursdays, is a forum for presentation of your scholarly work or discussion of campus issues. We are scheduling October and November, so contact Susanne Morgan if you would like to present one.

For more information, visit the website of CFE.
Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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