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Ithaca College introduces two new meal-plan options for the campus dining pleasure and convenience of our faculty and staff members.

Last year, Ithaca College introduced a block meal-plan option designed to allow faculty and staff to enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner at any of our dining hall facilities for the approximate cost of $5.00 per meal. The 10-meal block plan remains available for $50.

This year brings two additional block meal plan options: a 40-meal block plan for $185, and an 80-meal block plan for $375. These meal plans are a benefit of working for Ithaca College. Therefore, meal plans can only be used by the faculty or staff member who purchased the block.

In order to sign up for a meal plan, just go to the Dining Services main office, located in Terrace 1. You can pay for the meal plan by cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard, or through payroll deduction (available September 1st).

Come and enjoy a wonderful meal in our quality dining facilities. This plan provides a great opportunity for you and colleagues to meet over a good meal and/or socialize with students in a comfortable setting. These meal plans also are valid during the summer months when the dining halls are open.

Contributed by Brian McAree

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