In an ongoing effort to attend to the information and technology needs of Ithaca College, we are beginning this fall to explore advancements in student information systems (SIS).
This process will entail a yearlong assessment of campus needs as we begin planning for the next generation of technology and software systems to support our academic programs and student services.
Faculty, staff, and students interested in viewing current advancements in student information systems are invited to attend all or part of three separate vendor presentations scheduled for Thursday, August 28, in Klingenstein Lounge; Friday, September 5, in Emerson C; and Thursday, September 11 (location TBA). Please note that these presentations are for informational purposes with the goal of expanding community understanding of the current level of systems development as Ithaca College initiates its assessment of needs and opportunities.
Agendas for each daylong presentation can be accessed at SIS Vendor Agendas.
Questions and feedback from the College community are invited and may be conveyed via e-mail or phone to Larry Metzger, dean of Enrollment Planning, at 274-1555. Comments also may be mailed to Metzger's attention at 310 Job Hall.
I encourage and look forward to your involvement in this process.
Peter Bardaglio
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs