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Hillel and the Jewish studies program will present a yearlong series of programs exploring Yiddish language and culture in historical context and contemporary relevance.

Yiddish was a colloquial and literary language of East European Jews for centuries. It remains a vibrant mode of communications for some communities and the source of a virtual explosion of Jewish cultural creativity. The series will include films, music, performance art, and everything from academic lectures and courses to a Fiddler on the Roof sing-along. The series culminates in the April 2004 performance of Yentl by Ithaca College Theatre. For further information call Aron Gutman, 607-274-7001

All are invited to attend a special kick-off reception and concert featuring performances by prominent Klezmer musician and Yiddish songster Michael Alpert and the Ithaca College klezmer ensemble "Shmutz" at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 10, in the Emerson Suites.

Contributed by Aron Gutman

Yiddishkeit: A Yearlong Celebration of Language and Culture | 0 Comments |
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