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Self Portrait, oil on canvas 27
The Department of Art is pleased to welcome David Hollowell to campus for a lecture and slide presentation of his work on Thursday, September 11, 2:45-3:45 p.m. in Williams 225.

David is a 1973 alumnus of Ithaca and an accomplished artist in representational work that has been reviewed in publications such as the Washington Post, Artweek and ARTnews. He is currently on the faculty of the Department of Art and Art History at UC Davis.

While a student at IC, David was also active in baseball and basketball and, during his visit, he will be presented with an award by the athletic department for his athletic accomplishments. His art lecture is free and open to the public.

For more information, visit his website: David Hollowell.

Contributed by Bonita Franklin

Illustration: David Hollowell, Self Portrait, oil on canvas 27" x 35", 1973 (from his website)

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