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Gimme! Logo

Recent discussions about the "image" of Ithaca College, and the traditions that we are creating for our students and future alumni has me thinking. It's undeniable that the culture of our local community and the beauty of the area play a huge role in what comes to mind when people think of IC. So, why not take it a step further?

Gimme! Coffee -- if you haven't had it yet, you're missing out. I can't believe I lived in Ithaca for so long before I discovered it.

Coffee is an essential part of the college experience today, and we currently have several places on campus where one can get a fix. However, consider this: Starbucks, although famous, isn't particularly "Ithaca." Green Mountain is lovely, but our college isn't in Vermont (sorry, Peggy).

But, Gimme! -- It's Ithaca roasted and blended, and it's some of the best coffee I've ever had.

I'd like to suggest that Ithaca College start serving Gimme! coffee at all campus watering holes. We could even get them to do a "Bomber Blend" for us. Their logo is catchy, and they have panache.

In the end, we want people to look back on their IC days, think of all the great things that the College had to offer and feel nostalgic. Chances are, there won't be anything about the coffee they drank here that will fill that cup. However, imagine generations of Gimme! loving alumni, who associate a coffee experience that is uniquely "Ithaca" with all the other great memories that were forged at our fine institution.

Comments are encouraged :)

Benjamin Costello
Webmaster and Proud Coffee Addict

(PS - I don't work for Gimme!)

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