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The Ariadne String Quartet will perform the world premiere of Christopher Morgan Loy's String Quartet no. 1, opus 49, on Sunday, September 7. This free concert by the Ithaca College School of Music's string quartet-in-residence will also feature Puccini's Crisantemi (Chrysanthemums) and Debussy's String Quartet in G minor.

The performance begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall in the James. J. Whalen Center for Music.

Loy earned a doctor of musical arts degree from Cornell University in 1993. More than 20 individuals and organizations have commissioned works from him. In addition to Ithaca, his compositions have been premiered in New York, San Francisco, Cleveland, Houston, and Detroit.

Loy's String Quartet no. 1 opens with what he calls a "mysterious spinning motive" and later features each instrument taking a turn at a "frenetic pattern of virtuosity." The second movement is a meditation, featuring an ascending main idea that depicts the rising nature of concentrated reflection and its outcome. For a vivacious finale, Loy has composed a portrait of a game of chase. Each instrument (or character) takes the theme and runs around with it in different guises.

Brought together by their mutual love for chamber music, members of the School of Music's string faculty formed the Ariadne String Quartet in 1994. The current members -- violinists Susan Waterbury and Rebecca Ansel, violist Debra Moree, and cellist Elizabeth Simkin -- exemplify a broad and diverse background in chamber music. The ensemble performs regularly at Ithaca College and throughout the region.

Dedicated teachers as well as experienced performers, members of the Ariadne String Quartet support and nurture large individual teaching studios, and, together, they team-teach a thriving quartet seminar for six student string quartets.

More information on School of Music concerts is available on the school's Concert Calendar.

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck
Photo of the Ariadne Quartet in Ireland, spring 2003, by Janice Levy

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