All Ithaca College students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend an open house for the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Education, Outreach, and Services.
The event will be held on Tuesday, September 9, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the center, which is located on the ground floor of the Hammond Health Center.
Come enjoy refreshments, meet the student volunteers who staff the LGBT Resource Room, and learn about upcoming guest speakers and events sponsored by the center. Information will also be available on the many changes regarding LGBT issues and civil rights that occurred during the summer months, including the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision (Lawrence and Garner vs. Texas) that struck down a statutory ban on gay sex, the availability of legal same-sex marriage in Canada, and updates to the City of Ithaca human rights law.
The center is under the auspices of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. Please contact Lisa Maurer, coordinator, at 274-7394 with questions.
Contributed by Lisa Maurer