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This year's United Way Day of Caring is being held on September 11. Community members are invited to help "Fill the Porch with Food" -- the porch of the United Way's Livermore building that is (located at 313 North Aurora Street).

The United Way has joined with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier to collect food and personal care products for Tompkins County residents in need.

Look over the wish list below and choose a few items to deliver to the United Way September 8-11. Then join the United Way at either 8:00 a.m., noon, or 5:00 p.m. for refreshments and remarks.

Food wish list: canned fruit and fruit juices, canned meats, one-box meals, pasta and sauces, macaroni and cheese, instant potatoes, coffee, tea, peanut butter, and canned vegetables.

Personal care wish list: diapers (sizes 3-6), laundry detergent, 30-gallon trash bags, shampoo, bar soap, deodorant, toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues.

If you have any questions, or are not able to bring the food or other items down on your own, please contact the Community Service Program at our Center for Student Leadership and Involvement. Thanks for your help!

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff

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