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The first two speakers in our Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Waters series are offering workshops open to all faculty and staff members.

  • Tuesday, September 16, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center -- How do we challenge our culture's pervasive cynicism? Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen, will help teachers explore ways to support students' social involvement, and make their voices heard and their actions count in a time when they are often told neither matters.
  • Wednesday, September 17, 2:30 -5:00 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge of the Campus Center -- Edward Quevado will engage faculty and staff in a discussion entitled "Why Higher Education Curriculum Should Teach Sustainability and How to Best Do It."
Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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