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Speakers' Works at the Library

Contributed by John Hickey on 09/16/03 

If you want information about a speaker, or want to continue the intellectual discussion begun by the speaker, the library can help. We provide a database of biographical and critical information, the Biography Resource Center.

We also have works by many speakers --

  • Paul Loeb (speaking September 16): Generation at the Crossroads and Soul of a Citizen
  • Sandra Steingraber (speaking September 18 and throughout the year): Having Faith and Living Downstream
  • Joyce Carol Oates, Distinguished Visiting Writer (speaking September 22): the library has over 20 books by this prolific author
  • Su Friedrich, guest filmmaker (appearing September 18): films available for viewing in the multimedia center at the library include Ties That Bind (the library's film 1812), Gently Down the Stream (film 2338), Sink or Swim (film 1001) on 16 mm film; and Sink or Swim additionally on VHS video (our video 2919)
Thanks to Peter Bardaglio, Howard Erlich, Katharyn Machan, and all sponsors of speakers who have given us advance notice of these events. If you are sponsoring a speaker, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can obtain copies of their work for the library.

Contributed by John Hickey

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