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  • Associate Dean for Academic and Student Services Patricia E. Green
  • Acting Assistant Dean for Graduate and Clinical Services Janet K. Wigglesworth

  • Patricia E. Green, formerly senior assistant dean for undergraduate programs and adjunct assistant professor of marketing at the Hofstra University's Frank G. Zarb School of Business, has been named associate dean for student and academic affairs of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. Green began her new position in July, succeeding David Dresser, who retired in May 2003.

    Green holds a doctorate in educational administration. Her dissertation research, which was nominated for Hofstra University's dissertation of the year, focused on the experiences of seven community college transfer students during their first semester of transfer to a private college ("transfer shock"). Her other degrees and certifications include a BA in humanities from Hofstra, a master of arts of teaching (English) from Cornell University, an MBA in marketing from Hofstra, permanent New York State certifications in secondary English (7-12) and public school administration (7-12), and a certificate of advanced study and professional diploma at Hofstra.

    Green brings to her position 14 years of extensive college administrative experience, at both school- and campuswide levels. Her strengths and interests include strategic planning, marketing of academic programs, enhancement of college online systems, student advisement, recruitment, and retention. Green's background also includes corporate experience in the banking, brokerage, and marketing fields in the New York City area, as well as public school teaching in the local Lansing and Homer school districts.

    Janet K. Wigglesworth,
    PhD, is lending her expertise to the HSHP dean's office while a search is being conducted for a permanent assistant dean. She is "on loan" to the dean's office from the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences. Her area of expertise is in research methods. She has been able to apply this knowledge to help the four graduate programs in HSHP.

    The HSHP dean's office underwent some reorganization this past summer. One of the offices created was the Office of Experiential Learning (OEL). Wigglesworth is heading up the building of this office, which will serve HSHP students by arranging their on-campus experiential learning (at the four clinics housed in Hill, Center for Health Sciences, and Smiddy Hall) and help coordinate off-campus experiences. This is a large endeavor considering that all but two majors in HSHP require some form of off-campus experiential learning.

    Contributed by Steven Siconolfi

    New Associate and Assistant Deans in HSHP | 0 Comments |
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