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This week's two Faculty Development Colloquia feature professionals who help us support students and not enable self-defeating behaviors.

  • Tuesday, September 23, 12:10-1:00 p.m. Clark Lounge, Campus Center.
    The discussion features Leslie Schettino, director, and Linda Uhl, assistant director, of the Office of Academic Support Services.
  • Thursday, September 25, 12:10-1:00 p.m. Clark Lounge, Campus Center.
    Discussion featuring Deb Harper, acting director, and members of the counseling center staff
Coffee, fruit, and cookies provided; bring your lunch if you wish. You are welcome even if you need to arrive late or leave early.

For more scheduled colloquia, see the Center for Faculty Excellence. Proposals for colloquia are always welcome; contact Susanne Morgan.

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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