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ICGI Team Receives Recognition

Contributed by Terry Beckley on 09/22/03 

On September 20, the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute team participated in Memory Walk 2003. It was awarded the top fundraiser corporate team category plaque by the Central New York Alzheimer's Association.

Approximately 13 percent of the total raised at the walk was attributable to the six ICGI team members.

Memory Walk 2003 was organized by the CNY Alzheimer's Association and was held on the Alterra campus with residents from Clare Bridge Cottage and Sterling House participating in the walk. A van of Longview residents attended to take part in the walk and cheer on others.

Memory Walks are held in several communities throughout central New York in an effort to help those living with Alzheimer's disease to "keep their milestone memories for as long as possible." Money generated in Tompkins County will remain in the county to support local programs for patients and caregivers.

Contributed by Terry A. Beckley

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