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This week our noontime Colloquia deal with two areas of concern to faculty as we try to help students become responsible citizens.

  • Tuesday, September 30, 12:10-1:00 p.m., room 319, Gannett (library computer classroom: no food!)
    Dealing with Plagiarism in the Age of Electronic Resources.
    Brian Saunders, John Henderson, and Jim Bondra, reference librarians.
  • Thursday, October 2, 12:10-1:00 p.m., Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center.
    Student Alcohol and other Health Behavior: Local Data from the National Student Health Survey.
    Priscilla Quirk, Coordinator of Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention,
Coffee, fruit, and cookies provided; bring your lunch if you wish. You are welcome even if you arrive late or leave early.

For a schedule of colloquia, see Fall 2003 Colloquium Series

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

Teaching Students Beset by Temptations | 0 Comments |
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