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The Waiting Room, The Samuel French acting edition of Lisa Loomer’s play being performed by IC Theatre this month, is now available in the Library (General Collection PS3562.O583 W3 1998); there is also a version of it published in American Theatre Dec. 1994, with a brief author interview and photographs of several scenes as performed.

Intolerable Burden, a film produced by Constance Curry about a Black family's struggle for equitable education, will be shown Mon. Oct. 20, as part of the Engaging Democracy, Troubling the Water series, with a presentation by Constance & Chea Prince, the director. The video is also available in the Library’s Multimedia Center (Video 7588>;.Connie’s book about the same struggle Silver Rights, is also available (General Collection F347.S9 C87 1996), along with other books she has written about workers for civil rights.

Salman Rushdie will be speaking Mon., November 2. If you have not encountered his writings, fiction or non-fiction, why not check one out to read over Fall Break?

Have I missed any October events? Please let me know, so that we can further enrich the Library's collections.

Contributed by John Hickey

October Plays, Films, Speakers in the Library's Collections | 0 Comments |
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