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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and IC Dining Services has partnered with General Mills to help fight this disease that strikes over 200,000 Americans each year.

Yoplait Yogurt has developed a "Save Lids to Save Life" campaign, where Yoplait will donate 10 cents to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation for each pink Yoplait lid that is collected. Yoplait is willing to donate up to $1.5 million dollars to this cause this year. Please turn in your lids -- it could help save someone's life.

Yoplait yogurt is sold by Dining Services at the Food Court and La Vincita. At each of these locations, we have a lid collection display, where you can deposit the pink lids from Yoplait products. These displays will be present for the entire month of October.

Contributed by Debra Meeker

Food Service Promotes Breast Cancer Awareness | 0 Comments |
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