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Ithaca College welcomes new faculty and staff to the campus community:

  • Timothy Ainslie, lecturer, physical therapy
  • Elizabeth Allen, nurse's aide, Hammond Health Center
  • Lisa Blockus, lecturer, therapeutic recreation and leisure services
  • Edward Bond, lecturer, journalism
  • Kathleen Breese, lecturer, speech-language pathology and audiology
  • Guillermo Caliendo, assistant professor, speech communication
  • Kimberly Carlisle, administrative assistant, alumni relations
  • Karen Chirik, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
  • Changhee Chun, assistant professor, cinema and photography
  • Deborah Cism, cashier, bookstore
  • Phoebe Constantinou, assistant professor, health promotion and human movement
  • Sarah Ferdinand, assistant professor, psychology
  • Jason Freitag, assistant professor, history
  • Julie Fromer, assistant professor, English
  • Laurie Gagne, lecturer, history
  • Man-Young Han, assistant professor, sport management and media
  • Jonathan Harrod, lecturer, biology
  • Abigail Holley, assistant to the director, admission
  • Jeffrey Holmes, instructor, psychology
  • Edward Hower, adjunct instructor, writing
  • Jennifer Jolly, assistant professor, art history
  • Barbara Katz-Brown, lecturer, speech-language pathology and audiology
  • Laura Kenyon, lecturer, writing
  • Kunyoung Kim, assistant professor, music performance
  • Vincent Li, assistant professor, business administration
  • Elizabeth Livesay, lecturer, theater arts
  • Clint McCartney, facilities attendant, physical plant
  • Jeff McNamee, assistant professor, health promotion and human movement
  • Zokhrab Mustafaev, assistant professor, mathematics and computer science
  • Jason Powell, assistant professor, English
  • Carol Provoncha, access services late shift supervisor, library
  • Deborah Ripic, benefits specialist, office of human resources
  • Alyssa Robinson, assistant director of Ithaca Fund
  • Michael Rogers, assistant professor of physics
  • Graziela Rondon-Pari, instructor, modern languages and literatures
  • Jean Rowley, registered prof nurse, Hammond Health Center
  • Jennifer Russo, lecturer, theater arts
  • Rachael Shapiro, lecturer, sociology
  • Amanda Smith, lecturer, modern languages and literatures
  • Mary Ann Taylor, governance secretary, provost's office
  • James Utz, assistant professor, theater arts
  • Rachel Wenrick, lecturer, writing
  • Elisa White, assistant professor, Center for Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity
  • Zachery Williams, assistant professor, Center for Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity
Contributed by Martha A. Turnbull

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