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Ithaca College Holiday Bus Trip

Contributed by Sue Ann Vrzal on 10/14/03 

The fourth annual Ithaca College holiday bus trip to New York City will take place December 6 at a cost of $35 per person. You will need to pay when you sign up to confirm your seat on the bus. No cancellations will be accepted after payment is made.

Enjoy a fun day in the Big Apple on your own.

  • Bus leaves Ithaca College O lot at 6:00 a.m.
  • Bus leaves New York City at 8:00 p.m.
  • Rest stop going down and on the return trip
  • Movies shown going down and on the return
  • Everyone confirmed will have a reserved seat on the bus
All bus trips are open to the Ithaca College community (students, staff, faculty, friends, and family).

If you have any questions, contact Sue Vrzal, 274-3133, after October 20; I will be out of the office October 15-20.

Contributed by Sue Vrzal

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