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Two courses that have been offered as experimental courses in the past are now listed in the catalog and carry a Gen Ed designation. Class 666-31200 Health Care and Culture is a two-credit course that will be offered on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the spring semester. This course investigates the role of ethnicity, race, religion, and socio-economic status in shaping the health-related beliefs and behaviors of individuals through readings and discussion.

This course is a prerequisite for 666-31300 Health Care and Culture: an International Field Experience, a one-credit summer short-term study abroad experience. Students will travel with the instructor to the Dominican Republic to study socio-cultural context in the delivery of health care and rehabilitation services in an international context. The photos are from past years' trips.

Please contact Carole Dennis at 4-1057 for more information.

Contributed by Carole Dennis

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