A symposium -- "An Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue: The Path to a Just Peace" -- will be held on Wednesday, October 29, 7:00-8:30 p.m., in Textor 102. Following the symposium there will be a reception 8:45-10:00 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge.
The symposium will feature professors Adnan Musallam from Bethlehem University in the West Bank and Yoav Peled from Tel Aviv University in Israel. They will talk about the obstacles to and opportunities for achieving peace with justice. At the reception after the symposium, symposium participants can speak with both guest professors. The two events are free and open to the public.
Professor Musallam has a Ph.D. from Indiana University in contemporary Arabic/Islamic thought, history of the Arab world and the Middle East, and contemporary American literature. Since 2000, his publications include: Folded Pages from Local Palestinian History in the 20th Century: Developments in Politics, Society, Press and Thought in Bethlehem in the British Era, 1917-1948, and In Search of Self in a Disturbed World: The Life and Thought of Islamic Ideologue Sayyid Qutb, 1906-1966 (Arabic). His articles analyze globalization, Arab identity, Islam and social justice, and nationalism and religion. Musallam currently teaches history and cultural studies at Bethlehem University.
Professor Peled holds a Ph.D. from the University of California in political science. His book, Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship (coauthored with Gershon Shafir) was published last year. His other publications since 2000 include four coedited or edited books, including The New Israel: Peace and Economic Liberalization, Ethnic Challenges to the Modern Nation State, Israel: From Mobilized to Civil Society? (Hebrew) and Shas: The Challenge to Israeliness (Hebrew). Peled teaches political science at Tel Aviv University.
Asma Barlas, chair of the Ithaca College politics department, will introduce the symposium. Beth Harris, politics department professor, will moderate.
Sponsors include IC's politics department, the Office of the Provost, the Office of International Programs, and the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. Both speakers are members of Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, which is also cosponsoring the symposium.
If you are interested in obtaining CVs for the two speakers, please contact Beth Harris.
Contributed by Beth Harris