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This year's Volunteer Fair will be held on Tuesday, October 28, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Lobby and Emerson Suites.

Thirty-five local non-profit organizations are coming to campus to recruit, provide information, and educate students, staff, and faculty about area volunteer opportunities. This program is held in conjunction with Career Service's Career Day 2003, which provides opportunities for students to learn about careers with non-profit organizations. In previous years, about 20 organizations have participated in the Volunteer Fair, allowing students to give back to the community. With 35 participating organizations, this year will provide more opportunities for students to locate new and exciting volunteer opportunities.

This event was inspired by the national celebration, Make A Difference Day, originated by USA Today and the Point of Life Foundation to motivate and reward volunteers throughout the U.S. It is celebrated annually in October as a national day of helping others. The IC Community Service Program presents this fair in the hope that, by attending the Volunteer Fair, members of the Ithaca College community will find ways to make a difference in our community.

To see a list of participating agencies or for more info go to Volunteer Fair.

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff

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