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In addition to a hectic academic schedule, the graduate physical therapy students on the Rochester campus have been involved in a wide range of community service activities during September and October.

  • NSCIA Sit-Ski: On September 6, a group of about 30 students volunteered at an adapted water-skiing event for the Rochester chapter of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA).

  • Light the Night Walk: Our class team of about 30 students raised approximately $1,817 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

  • Camp Haccamo Fall Retreat Weekend: On October 3-4, two students volunteered at this weekend camp for teenagers and young adults with spina bifida.

  • Community Health Fair: Approximately 15 students volunteered at a community health fair on October 2.

  • Gardening Project: Over two weekends, October 4th and 11th, a group of approximately seven students provided assistance with gardening and yard work for an individual with paraplegia from the community.

  • Spinal Cord Injury Health Fair: Approximately eight students volunteered at this health fair for people with spinal cord injuries on October 18.

  • Making Strides Against Breast Cancer: On October 19, a team of approximately 40 students participated in this walk to raise money for breast cancer research. The total amount of money raised is not yet available.

  • SABAH: Every Sunday, five students volunteer with the Skating Association for the Blind and Handicapped -- adaptive ice skating lessons for children with disabilities.

  • Therapeutic Riding: A few students volunteer on a regular basis with a therapeutic horseback riding program for individuals with disabilities.

  • Al Sigl Center WalkAbout: On October 26, a group of students plan to volunteer at this walk to raise money for people with disabilities in the Rochester community.

For more information contact Lisa Gradziel, community service chair, ICPT grad class of '04.

Contributed by Debby Burris

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