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The Office of Career Services invites the IC community to Career Days, cosponsored with Sigma Iota Epsilon.

This two-day event kicks off on Tuesday, October 28, with the annual fall career fair from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites. The fair provides students with the opportunity to meet representatives from organizations that are offering job and internship opportunities, many of which accept students of all majors. Students can discuss their career interests, sharpen their networking skills, and possibly obtain an interview. Many of the employer representatives are Ithaca College alumni. Faculty and staff are invited to stop by and say hello.

On the evening of October 28, many of these employers will attend the Etiquette Dinner and further help coach students. October 29 comprises the "Day Of Interviewing" portion of Career Days, where a number of career fair attendees return to interview students for job and internship opportunities. Students can sign up for interviews at the Career Fair on Tuesday.

A full listing of attendees, along with company descriptions, types of opportunities available, and majors sought, can be found online at Career Days 2003.

Contributed by John Fracchia

Career Days -- Passport to Possibilities | 0 Comments |
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