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A talk entitled "Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning" will be given by Alan November on Wednesday, October 29, 7:00 p.m. in Williams 225.

Alan November, lecturer and author of Empowering Students with Technology (2001), has been described as a "futurist and technological visionary with one foot firmly grounded in the realities of everyday classroom life." He believes that if educators wish to take full advantage of newly emerging technologies, then we must all work towards creating a new educational culture, one that involves "collegiality, new relationships with family and community, leadership and decision-making, students who are much more self-directed and interdependent, and new models of curriculum and assessment and our concept of time."

This event, free and open to the public, is sponsored by Project Look Sharp, Center for Teacher Education, Ithaca College Information Technology Services, and the Ithaca City School District. For more information, e-mail or call 607-274-3471.

Contributed by Victoria Jordan

Education Lecture by Alan November | 0 Comments |
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