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HSHP Majors Fair

Contributed by Christine Hopple on 10/23/03 

Departments in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance will be holding a Majors Fair on Tuesday, October 28, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the lobby of the Center for Health Sciences (CHS).

This fair will allow exploratory, pre-professional, and other interested students to explore the various majors in the school. Students and faculty from each department will be available to talk with students, and hands-on activities will offer interested students a look into different professions in HSHP. Food and door prizes from the different departments will add to the pre-advising festivities. Faculty advisers of exploratory and pre-pro students are asked to encourage their advisees to attend. Interested faculty are also invited to stop by during the evening.

Contributed by Christine Hopple

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