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A new scholarship for international students has been created at Ithaca College. The John E. Keshishoglou Scholarship for International Students, to be awarded to an international student with academic excellence and demonstrated financial need, will see its first recipient in the fall of 2004.

The Keshishoglou Fund in Global Communications, established in 2000, provided the resources to create this scholarship. It was initiated by faculty in the Park School and assisted with gifts from faculty, friends, and professor emeritus Keshishoglou. An additional fund has also been designated: the Keshishoglou Fund for International Scholars. It will provide expenses and/or honorariums for visiting international lecturers, professors, or scholars.

Prof. Keshishoglou came to the College in 1965 as chairman of the Department of Television-Radio and director of the Instructional Resources Center. During his time at the College, Keshishoglou served as the founding dean for the School of Communications from 1971 to 1979. He also developed the international exchange program between the school and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, where he currently serves as a visiting professor.

The Office of International Programs and student leaders representing the international student clubs will continue to work toward enlarging the endowment for this new scholarship. They welcome gifts from students, alumni, and all members of the Ithaca College community. Anyone interested in supporting this fund may contact Elayne Nicholas, associate director of special programs, 274-1286.

Contributed by Elayne Nicholas

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