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Interested in furthering your education? Don't miss this brown bag discussion of graduate study in education!

On Friday, November 14, the Staff Development Committee of the Student Affairs and Campus Life division is hosting Cathy McHugh Engstrom, associate professor of higher education from Syracuse University. Engstrom will be on campus to talk with students and staff interested in master's or Ph.D. level graduate studies in higher education at Syracuse.

Anyone interested in learning more about these graduate programs is invited and encouraged to attend.

Friday, November 14
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Come for as long as you can.)
Conference Room, Campus Center

Cathy McHugh Engstrom received her Ph.D. in counseling and personnel services from the University of Maryland at College Park in 1991 and her master's from the University of Vermont. Her research interests focus on student development, the impact of gender and race on the college experience, organizational culture and climate, and leadership. Her publications have focused on topics such as the attitudes of various campus constituents toward student-athletes, attitudes of heterosexual students towards their gay and lesbian peers, service learning, and prolific women scholars in higher education. She coedited Using Technology to Promote Student Learning. Her most recent scholarly work examines experiences of women who are senior student affairs professionals. Her academic background is complemented by twelve years of professional experience in student affairs. Engstrom serves on the directorate body of ACPA Commission XII, Graduate Preparation, and is a consulting editor for the "On the Campus" Section of the Journal of College Student Development.

Contributed by Tracey Cross-Baker

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