Ithaca College students are reminded to use their seat belts in accordance with New York State law, whether they are traveling on or off campus.
The Ithaca College Office of Public Safety, in cooperation with the Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), will be participating in the "Buckle Up New York! It's Click It or Ticket" program, scheduled for November 17-30. Grant money made available by the New York State Governor's Traffic Safety Committee will fund extra patrols of campus by public safety officers enforcing state seat belt laws.
The effort is part of a nationwide seat belt enforcement push placing special emphasis on protecting teen and young adult motorists. According to NHTSA, teens die at a higher rate because of higher risk taking, less experience, and low seat belt use.
With the holiday season approaching, many college students will be traveling the nation's highways. This enforcement campaign will provide public safety officers with the opportunity to remind motorists about the laws and the importance of wearing seat belts. Through education and enforcement, our most-at-risk drivers can be better protected. For more information on traffic safety and New York State seat belt laws, visit the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee.
Contributed by Dave Maley